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快捷键 说明
F1 打开帮助页面
F3, Ctrl-F 打开搜索框
F5, Ctrl-R 刷新当前页
F6, Ctrl-L, Alt-D 移动并选中地址栏信息
F11 切换全屏
F12, Ctrl-Shift-I 打开开发调试工具
Ctrl-N 打开新窗口
Ctrl-T 打开新标签页
Ctrl-Shift-N 在隐身模式下打开新窗口
Ctrl-1 ~ Ctrl-8 切换指定编号的标签页
Ctrl-9 切换至最后一个标签页
Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-PgDown 切换至下一个标签页
Ctrl-Shift-Tab, Ctrl-PgUp 切换至下一个标签页
Ctrl-Shift-B 打开或关闭书签栏
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-F4 关闭当前标签页或弹出式窗口
Ctrl-D 收藏当前页
Alt-Home 打开主页
Shift-ESC 查看任务管理器
Ctrl-J 查看下载页
Ctrl-H 查看历史记录页
Ctrl-P 打印当前页
Ctrl-S 保存当前页
Ctrl-U 查看当前网页源码
Ctrl-Shift-C 打开开发工具,选择指定元素
Space, PgDown 向下翻页
Shift-Space, PgUp 向上翻页
Home 翻页至顶部
End 翻页至底部





  • [安装]防别人知道你在看知乎,删除知乎固定的标题


// ==UserScript==
// @name         防别人知道你在看知乎,删除知乎固定的标题
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       gagayuan
// @match*
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
  • [原创]停止显示谷歌搜索下拉提示


// ==UserScript==
// @name         停止显示谷歌搜索下拉提示
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    // for google search

    // for bing search
    // $('div#sw_as').remove()
  • [安装]网页限制解除

Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus是款免费的广告拦截器,一直在用,从此告别广告,安心学习娱乐,这款插件针对每个网站进行单独设定广告拦截与否,还可以通过过滤器拦截指定元素。


cVim 将网页当成一个vim编辑器,通过它可以使用vim的操作方式操作网页,从此告别鼠标,简直爽到爆!用了就停不下来那种!

To get hints working again: in hints.js:727, replace call to main.createShadowRoot() with main.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})

  • KeyBindings
Movement Mapping name
j,s scroll down scrollDown
k,w scroll up scrollUp
h scroll left scrollLeft
l scroll right scrollRight
d scroll half-page down scrollPageDown
unmapped scroll full-page down scrollFullPageDown
u,e scroll half-page up scrollPageUp
unmapped scroll full-page up scrollFullPageUp
gg scroll to the top of the page scrollToTop
G scroll to the bottom of the page scrollToBottom
0 scroll to the left of the page scrollToLeft
$ scroll to the right of the page scrollToRight
# reset the scroll focus to the main page resetScrollFocus
gi go to first input box goToInput
gI go to the last focused input box by gi goToLastInput
zz center page to current search match (middle) centerMatchH
zt center page to current search match (top) centerMatchT
zb center page to current search match (bottom) centerMatchB
Link Hints
f open link in current tab createHint
F open link in new tab createTabbedHint
unmapped open link in new tab (active) createActiveTabbedHint
W open link in new window createHintWindow
A repeat last hint command openLastHint
q trigger a hover event (mouseover + mouseenter) createHoverHint
Q trigger a unhover event (mouseout + mouseleave) createUnhoverHint
mf open multiple links createMultiHint
unmapped edit text with external editor createEditHint
unmapped call a code block with the link as the first argument createScriptHint(<FUNCTION_NAME>)
unmapped opens images in a new tab fullImageHint
mr reverse image search multiple links multiReverseImage
my yank multiple links (open the list of links with P) multiYankUrl
gy copy URL from link to clipboard yankUrl
gr reverse image search (google images) reverseImage
; change the link hint focus
M<*> create quickmark <*> addQuickMark
go<*> open quickmark <*> in the current tab openQuickMark
gn<*> open quickmark <*> in a new tab openQuickMarkTabbed
gw<*> open quickmark <*> in a new window openQuickMarkWindowed
a "alias to "":tabnew google """ :tabnew google
. repeat the last command repeatCommand
: open command bar openCommandBar
/ open search bar openSearchBar
? open search bar (reverse search) openSearchBarReverse
unmapped open link search bar (same as pressing/?) openLinkSearchBar
I search through browser history :history
<N>g% scroll <N> percent down the page percentScroll
<N>unmapped pass<N>keys through to the current page passKeys
i enter insert mode (escape to exit) insertMode
r reload the current tab reloadTab
gR reload the current tab + local cache reloadTabUncached
;<*> create mark <*> setMark
'' go to last scroll position lastScrollPosition
<C-o> go to previous scroll position previousScrollPosition
<C-i> go to next scroll position nextScrollPosition
'<*> go to mark <*> goToMark
cm mute/unmute a tab muteTab
none reload all tabs reloadAllTabs
cr reload all tabs but current reloadAllButCurrent
zi zoom page in zoomPageIn
zo zoom page out zoomPageOut
z0 zoom page to original size zoomOrig
z<Enter> toggle image zoom (same as clicking the image on image-only pages) toggleImageZoom
gd alias to :chrome://downloads :chrome://downloads
ge alias to :chrome://extensions :chrome://extensions
yy copy the URL of the current page to the clipboard yankDocumentUrl
yY copy the URL of the current frame to the clipboard yankRootUrl
ya copy the URLs in the current window yankWindowUrls
yh copy the currently matched text from find mode (if any) yankHighlight
b search through bookmarks :bookmarks
p open the clipboard selection openPaste
P open the clipboard selection in a new tab openPasteTab
gj hide the download shelf hideDownloadsShelf
gf cycle through iframes nextFrame
gF go to the root frame rootFrame
gq stop the current tab from loading cancelWebRequest
gQ stop all tabs from loading cancelAllWebRequests
gu go up one path in the URL goUpUrl
gU go to to the base URL goToRootUrl
gs go to the view-source:// page for the current Url :viewsource!
<C-b> create or toggle a bookmark for the current URL createBookmark
unmapped close all browser windows quitChrome
g- decrement the first number in the URL path (> decrementURLPath
g+ increment the first number in the URL path incrementURLPath
Tab Navigation
gt,K,R navigate to the next tab nextTab
gT,J,E navigate to the previous tab previousTab
g0,g$ go to the first/last tab "firstTab, lastTab"
<C-S-h>,gh open the last URL in the current tab’s history in a new tab openLastLinkInTab
<C-S-l>,gl open the next URL from the current tab’s history in a new tab openNextLinkInTab
x close the current tab closeTab
gxT close the tab to the left of the current tab closeTabLeft
gxt close the tab to the right of the current tab closeTabRight
gx0 close all tabs to the left of the current tab closeTabsToLeft
gx$ close all tabs to the right of the current tab closeTabsToRight
X open the last closed tab lastClosedTab
t :tabnew :tabnew
T :tabnew <CURRENT URL> :tabnew @%
O :open <CURRENT URL> :open @%
<N>% switch to tab <N> goToTab
H,S go back goBack
L,D go forward goForward
B search for another active tab :buffer
< move current tab left moveTabLeft
> move current tab right moveTabRight
]] "click the ""next"" link on the page (see nextmatchpattern above)" nextMatchPattern
[[ "click the ""back"" link on the page (see previousmatchpattern above)" previousMatchPattern
gp pin/unpin the current tab pinTab
<C-6> toggle the focus between the last used tabs lastUsedTab
Find Mode
n next search result nextSearchResult
N previous search result previousSearchResult
v enter visual/caret mode (highlight current search/selection) toggleVisualMode
V enter visual line mode from caret mode/currently highlighted search toggleVisualLineMode
unmapped clear search mode highlighting clearSearchHighlight
Visual/Caret Mode
<Esc> exit visual mode to caret mode/exit caret mode to normal mode
v toggle between visual/caret mode
h,j,k,l move the caret position/extend the visual selection
y copys the current selection
n select the next search result
N select the previous search result
p open highlighted text in current tab
P open highlighted text in new tab
Text boxes
<C-i> move cursor to the beginning of the line beginningOfLine
<C-e> move cursor to the end of the line endOfLine
<C-u> delete to the beginning of the line deleteToBeginning
<C-o> delete to the end of the line deleteToEnd
<C-y> delete back one word deleteWord
<C-p> delete forward one word deleteForwardWord
unmapped delete back one character deleteChar
unmapped delete forward one character deleteForwardChar
<C-h> move cursor back one word backwardWord
<C-l> move cursor forward one word forwardWord
<C-f> move cursor forward one letter forwardChar
<C-b> move cursor back one letter backwardChar
<C-j> move cursor forward one line forwardLine
<C-k> move cursor back one line backwardLine
unmapped select input text (equivalent to<C-a>) selectAll
unmapped edit with Vim in a terminal (need thecvim_server.pyscript running for this to work and the VIM_COMMAND set inside that script) editWithVim
  • Command Mode
Command Description
:tabnew (autocomplete) open a new tab with the typed/completed search
:new (autocomplete) open a new window with the typed/completed search
:open (autocomplete) open the typed/completed URL/google search
:history (autocomplete) search through browser history
:bookmarks (autocomplete) search through bookmarks
:bookmarks /<folder> (autocomplete) browse bookmarks by folder/open all bookmarks from folder
:set (autocomplete) temporarily change a cVim setting
:chrome:// (autocomplete) open a chrome:// URL
:tabhistory (autocomplete) browse the different history states of the current tab
:command <NAME> <ACTION> aliases :<NAME> to :<ACTION>
:quit close the current tab
:qall close the current window
:restore (autocomplete) restore a previously closed tab (newer versions of Chrome only)
:tabattach (autocomplete) move the current tab to another open window
:tabdetach move the current tab to a new window
:file (autocomplete) open a local file
:source (autocomplete) load a cVimrc file into memory (this will overwrite the settings in the options page if the localconfig setting had been set previously
:duplicate duplicate the current tab
:settings open the settings page
:nohlsearch clear the highlighted text from the last search
:execute execute a sequence of keys (Useful for mappings. For example, "map j :execute 2j")
:buffer (autocomplete) change to a different tab
:mksession create a new session from the current tabs in the active window
:delsession (autocomplete) delete a saved session
:session (autocomplete) open the tabs from a saved session in a new window
:script run JavaScript on the current page
:togglepin toggle the pin state of the current tab
:pintab pin the current tab
:unpintab unpin the current tab


let blacklists = ["*"]

Evernote Web Clipper


GNOME Shell integration

GNOME主题优化插件,可以通过它安装各种系统小工具,天气显示、CPU info等等。

Katalon Recorder




Proxy SwitchyOmega


  1. 直接连接 - 用于本地网络
  2. 公司代理 - 通过代理访问大陆外网
  3. Socks5 - 通过SS访问谷歌等GFW之外的网络




手机上装有掘金APP,对应的chrome 插件可用于获取技术资讯,类似于信息聚合工具,为程序员、设计师、产品经理每日发现优质内容,用的不多,目前禁用状态。




  1. 网络搜索对应的.crx插件文件
  2. 使用解压软件解压.crx压缩文件
  3. 在Chrome浏览器的扩展程序管理页面打开“开发者模式”
  4. 选择“加载已解压的扩展程序”,然后选择对应的解压文件夹


ref: 彻底禁用Chrome的“请停用以开发者模式运行的扩展程序”提示





Windows MAC OS Android IPhone Android Tablet IPAD WEB



  1. 全平台支持
  2. 实时同步
  3. 在Linux中使用Chrome应用也可以访问
  4. 目前公司网络未能屏蔽
  5. 相比于todolist免费版,奇妙清单更强大更良心
  6. 支持团队协作,有用过该功能和同事进行bug追踪
  7. 方便将文件从手机端同步至PC端




  • 设置 chrome://settings/
  • 扩展程序 chrome://extensions/
  • 下载内容 chrome://downloads/
  • 历史记录 chrome://history/