快捷键 | 说明 |
F1 | 打开帮助页面 |
F3, Ctrl-F | 打开搜索框 |
F5, Ctrl-R | 刷新当前页 |
F6, Ctrl-L, Alt-D | 移动并选中地址栏信息 |
F11 | 切换全屏 |
F12, Ctrl-Shift-I | 打开开发调试工具 |
Ctrl-N | 打开新窗口 |
Ctrl-T | 打开新标签页 |
Ctrl-Shift-N | 在隐身模式下打开新窗口 |
Ctrl-1 ~ Ctrl-8 | 切换指定编号的标签页 |
Ctrl-9 | 切换至最后一个标签页 |
Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-PgDown | 切换至下一个标签页 |
Ctrl-Shift-Tab, Ctrl-PgUp | 切换至下一个标签页 |
Ctrl-Shift-B | 打开或关闭书签栏 |
Ctrl-W, Ctrl-F4 | 关闭当前标签页或弹出式窗口 |
Ctrl-D | 收藏当前页 |
Alt-Home | 打开主页 |
Shift-ESC | 查看任务管理器 |
Ctrl-J | 查看下载页 |
Ctrl-H | 查看历史记录页 |
Ctrl-P | 打印当前页 |
Ctrl-S | 保存当前页 |
Ctrl-U | 查看当前网页源码 |
Ctrl-Shift-C | 打开开发工具,选择指定元素 |
Space, PgDown | 向下翻页 |
Shift-Space, PgUp | 向上翻页 |
Home | 翻页至顶部 |
End | 翻页至底部 |
- [安装]防别人知道你在看知乎,删除知乎固定的标题
// ==UserScript==
// @name 防别人知道你在看知乎,删除知乎固定的标题
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author gagayuan
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
- [原创]停止显示谷歌搜索下拉提示
// ==UserScript==
// @name 停止显示谷歌搜索下拉提示
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// for google search
// for bing search
// $('div#sw_as').remove()
- [安装]网页限制解除
Adblock Plus¶
Adblock Plus
To gethints
working again: inhints.js:727
, replace call tomain.createShadowRoot()
withmain.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
- KeyBindings
Movement | Mapping name | |
j,s | scroll down | scrollDown |
k,w | scroll up | scrollUp |
h | scroll left | scrollLeft |
l | scroll right | scrollRight |
d | scroll half-page down | scrollPageDown |
unmapped | scroll full-page down | scrollFullPageDown |
u,e | scroll half-page up | scrollPageUp |
unmapped | scroll full-page up | scrollFullPageUp |
gg | scroll to the top of the page | scrollToTop |
G | scroll to the bottom of the page | scrollToBottom |
0 | scroll to the left of the page | scrollToLeft |
$ | scroll to the right of the page | scrollToRight |
# | reset the scroll focus to the main page | resetScrollFocus |
gi | go to first input box | goToInput |
gI | go to the last focused input box by gi | goToLastInput |
zz | center page to current search match (middle) | centerMatchH |
zt | center page to current search match (top) | centerMatchT |
zb | center page to current search match (bottom) | centerMatchB |
Link Hints | ||
f | open link in current tab | createHint |
F | open link in new tab | createTabbedHint |
unmapped | open link in new tab (active) | createActiveTabbedHint |
W | open link in new window | createHintWindow |
A | repeat last hint command | openLastHint |
q | trigger a hover event (mouseover + mouseenter) | createHoverHint |
Q | trigger a unhover event (mouseout + mouseleave) | createUnhoverHint |
mf | open multiple links | createMultiHint |
unmapped | edit text with external editor | createEditHint |
unmapped | call a code block with the link as the first argument | createScriptHint(<FUNCTION_NAME>) |
unmapped | opens images in a new tab | fullImageHint |
mr | reverse image search multiple links | multiReverseImage |
my | yank multiple links (open the list of links with P) | multiYankUrl |
gy | copy URL from link to clipboard | yankUrl |
gr | reverse image search (google images) | reverseImage |
; | change the link hint focus | |
QuickMarks | ||
M<*> | create quickmark <*> | addQuickMark |
go<*> | open quickmark <*> in the current tab | openQuickMark |
gn<*> | open quickmark <*> in a new tab | openQuickMarkTabbed |
gw<*> | open quickmark <*> in a new window | openQuickMarkWindowed |
Miscellaneous | ||
a | "alias to "":tabnew google """ | :tabnew google |
. | repeat the last command | repeatCommand |
: | open command bar | openCommandBar |
/ | open search bar | openSearchBar |
? | open search bar (reverse search) | openSearchBarReverse |
unmapped | open link search bar (same as pressing/? ) | openLinkSearchBar |
I | search through browser history | :history |
<N>g% | scroll <N> percent down the page | percentScroll |
<N>unmapped | pass<N> keys through to the current page | passKeys |
i | enter insert mode (escape to exit) | insertMode |
r | reload the current tab | reloadTab |
gR | reload the current tab + local cache | reloadTabUncached |
;<*> | create mark <*> | setMark |
'' | go to last scroll position | lastScrollPosition |
<C-o> | go to previous scroll position | previousScrollPosition |
<C-i> | go to next scroll position | nextScrollPosition |
'<*> | go to mark <*> | goToMark |
cm | mute/unmute a tab | muteTab |
none | reload all tabs | reloadAllTabs |
cr | reload all tabs but current | reloadAllButCurrent |
zi | zoom page in | zoomPageIn |
zo | zoom page out | zoomPageOut |
z0 | zoom page to original size | zoomOrig |
z<Enter> | toggle image zoom (same as clicking the image on image-only pages) | toggleImageZoom |
gd | alias to :chrome://downloads | :chrome://downloads |
ge | alias to :chrome://extensions | :chrome://extensions |
yy | copy the URL of the current page to the clipboard | yankDocumentUrl |
yY | copy the URL of the current frame to the clipboard | yankRootUrl |
ya | copy the URLs in the current window | yankWindowUrls |
yh | copy the currently matched text from find mode (if any) | yankHighlight |
b | search through bookmarks | :bookmarks |
p | open the clipboard selection | openPaste |
P | open the clipboard selection in a new tab | openPasteTab |
gj | hide the download shelf | hideDownloadsShelf |
gf | cycle through iframes | nextFrame |
gF | go to the root frame | rootFrame |
gq | stop the current tab from loading | cancelWebRequest |
gQ | stop all tabs from loading | cancelAllWebRequests |
gu | go up one path in the URL | goUpUrl |
gU | go to to the base URL | goToRootUrl |
gs | go to the view-source:// page for the current Url | :viewsource! |
<C-b> | create or toggle a bookmark for the current URL | createBookmark |
unmapped | close all browser windows | quitChrome |
g- | decrement the first number in the URL path ( => ) | decrementURLPath |
g+ | increment the first number in the URL path | incrementURLPath |
Tab Navigation | ||
gt,K,R | navigate to the next tab | nextTab |
gT,J,E | navigate to the previous tab | previousTab |
g0,g$ | go to the first/last tab | "firstTab, lastTab" |
<C-S-h>,gh | open the last URL in the current tab’s history in a new tab | openLastLinkInTab |
<C-S-l>,gl | open the next URL from the current tab’s history in a new tab | openNextLinkInTab |
x | close the current tab | closeTab |
gxT | close the tab to the left of the current tab | closeTabLeft |
gxt | close the tab to the right of the current tab | closeTabRight |
gx0 | close all tabs to the left of the current tab | closeTabsToLeft |
gx$ | close all tabs to the right of the current tab | closeTabsToRight |
X | open the last closed tab | lastClosedTab |
t | :tabnew | :tabnew |
T | :tabnew <CURRENT URL> | :tabnew @% |
O | :open <CURRENT URL> | :open @% |
<N>% | switch to tab <N> | goToTab |
H,S | go back | goBack |
L,D | go forward | goForward |
B | search for another active tab | :buffer |
< | move current tab left | moveTabLeft |
> | move current tab right | moveTabRight |
]] | "click the ""next"" link on the page (see nextmatchpattern above)" | nextMatchPattern |
[[ | "click the ""back"" link on the page (see previousmatchpattern above)" | previousMatchPattern |
gp | pin/unpin the current tab | pinTab |
<C-6> | toggle the focus between the last used tabs | lastUsedTab |
Find Mode | ||
n | next search result | nextSearchResult |
N | previous search result | previousSearchResult |
v | enter visual/caret mode (highlight current search/selection) | toggleVisualMode |
V | enter visual line mode from caret mode/currently highlighted search | toggleVisualLineMode |
unmapped | clear search mode highlighting | clearSearchHighlight |
Visual/Caret Mode | ||
<Esc> | exit visual mode to caret mode/exit caret mode to normal mode | |
v | toggle between visual/caret mode | |
h,j,k,l | move the caret position/extend the visual selection | |
y | copys the current selection | |
n | select the next search result | |
N | select the previous search result | |
p | open highlighted text in current tab | |
P | open highlighted text in new tab | |
Text boxes | ||
<C-i> | move cursor to the beginning of the line | beginningOfLine |
<C-e> | move cursor to the end of the line | endOfLine |
<C-u> | delete to the beginning of the line | deleteToBeginning |
<C-o> | delete to the end of the line | deleteToEnd |
<C-y> | delete back one word | deleteWord |
<C-p> | delete forward one word | deleteForwardWord |
unmapped | delete back one character | deleteChar |
unmapped | delete forward one character | deleteForwardChar |
<C-h> | move cursor back one word | backwardWord |
<C-l> | move cursor forward one word | forwardWord |
<C-f> | move cursor forward one letter | forwardChar |
<C-b> | move cursor back one letter | backwardChar |
<C-j> | move cursor forward one line | forwardLine |
<C-k> | move cursor back one line | backwardLine |
unmapped | select input text (equivalent to<C-a> ) | selectAll |
unmapped | edit with Vim in a terminal (need script running for this to work and the VIM_COMMAND set inside that script) | editWithVim |
- Command Mode
Command | Description |
:tabnew (autocomplete) | open a new tab with the typed/completed search |
:new (autocomplete) | open a new window with the typed/completed search |
:open (autocomplete) | open the typed/completed URL/google search |
:history (autocomplete) | search through browser history |
:bookmarks (autocomplete) | search through bookmarks |
:bookmarks /<folder> (autocomplete) | browse bookmarks by folder/open all bookmarks from folder |
:set (autocomplete) | temporarily change a cVim setting |
:chrome:// (autocomplete) | open a chrome:// URL |
:tabhistory (autocomplete) | browse the different history states of the current tab |
:command <NAME> <ACTION> | aliases :<NAME> to :<ACTION> |
:quit | close the current tab |
:qall | close the current window |
:restore (autocomplete) | restore a previously closed tab (newer versions of Chrome only) |
:tabattach (autocomplete) | move the current tab to another open window |
:tabdetach | move the current tab to a new window |
:file (autocomplete) | open a local file |
:source (autocomplete) | load a cVimrc file into memory (this will overwrite the settings in the options page if the localconfig setting had been set previously |
:duplicate | duplicate the current tab |
:settings | open the settings page |
:nohlsearch | clear the highlighted text from the last search |
:execute | execute a sequence of keys (Useful for mappings. For example, "map j :execute 2j") |
:buffer (autocomplete) | change to a different tab |
:mksession | create a new session from the current tabs in the active window |
:delsession (autocomplete) | delete a saved session |
:session (autocomplete) | open the tabs from a saved session in a new window |
:script | run JavaScript on the current page |
:togglepin | toggle the pin state of the current tab |
:pintab | pin the current tab |
:unpintab | unpin the current tab |
let blacklists = ["*"]
Evernote Web Clipper¶
GNOME Shell integration¶
主题优化插件,可以通过它安装各种系统小工具,天气显示、CPU info等等。
Katalon Recorder¶
Proxy SwitchyOmega¶
- 直接连接 - 用于本地网络
- 公司代理 - 通过代理访问大陆外网
- Socks5 - 通过SS访问谷歌等GFW之外的网络
手机上装有掘金APP,对应的chrome 插件可用于获取技术资讯,类似于信息聚合工具,为程序员、设计师、产品经理每日发现优质内容,用的不多,目前禁用状态。
- 网络搜索对应的
插件文件 - 使用解压软件解压.crx压缩文件
- 在Chrome浏览器的扩展程序管理页面打开“开发者模式”
- 选择“加载已解压的扩展程序”,然后选择对应的解压文件夹
ref: 彻底禁用Chrome的“请停用以开发者模式运行的扩展程序”提示
Android Tablet
- 全平台支持
- 实时同步
- 在Linux中使用Chrome应用也可以访问
- 目前公司网络未能屏蔽
- 相比于
免费版,奇妙清单更强大更良心 - 支持团队协作,有用过该功能和同事进行bug追踪
- 方便将文件从手机端同步至PC端
- 设置 chrome://settings/
- 扩展程序 chrome://extensions/
- 下载内容 chrome://downloads/
- 历史记录 chrome://history/