report file system disk space usage
➜ df -<TAB>
--all -a -- include dummy file systems
--block-size -B -- specify block size
--exclude-type -x -- exclude file systems of specified type
--help -- display help and exit
--human-readable -h -- print sizes in human readable format
--inodes -i -- list inode information instead of block usage
-k -- like --block-size=1K
--local -l -- limit listing to local file systems
--no-sync -- do not invoke sync before getting usage info (default)
--portability -P -- use the POSIX output format
--print-type -T -- print file system type
--si -H -- human readable fomat, but use powers of 1000 not 1024
--sync -- invoke sync before getting usage info
--total -- produce a grand total
--type -t -- limit listing to file systems of specified type
-v -- (ignored)
--version -- output version information and exit
df # 默认以KB为单位
df -a # 显示所有,包含伪文件系统、文件系统副本和不可访问的文件系统
df -h # 方便人类可读 (1K = 1024)
df -H # 方便人类可读 (1K = 1000)
df -i # 显示inode
df -BM # 以MB为单位,M可替换为K,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y